Live webinar December 5, 2023 at 12:00pm EST
OR available video recording
Frank Alfano
2 hours
This course will guide licensed paralegals, lawyers and legal representatives on various legal factors when handling and defending offences under the Cannabis Control Act 2017 and 2018 in the jurisdiction under the Ontario Court of Justice at the provincial level. Participants will learn about the history of the Cannabis Control Act and the offences, regulations, and powers under the Cannabis Control Act 2017 & 2018. They will come away with an understanding of the provincial jurisdiction under the Cannabis Control Act 2017 & 2018. The instructor will cover the obligations of the Crown to prove offences beyond a reasonable doubt and the defenses available under the Cannabis Control Act 2017 & 2018. How police enforce the charges laid under the Cannabis Control Act 2017 and 2018 will be discussed. Finally, the differences between how charges under the Cannabis Control Act 2017 & 2018 are dealt with in the Ontario Court of Justice at the provincial level versus how it is dealt with in criminal court will be examined.
- Regulations and powers under the Cannabis Control Act 2017 & 2018
- Jurisdiction under the Ontario Court of Justice (provincial level)
- Brief history
- Police powers of enforcement under the Cannabis Control Act 2017 & 2018
- Regulation and laws under the Cannabis Control Act 2017 & 2018
- Differences Between cannabis charges dealt with in criminal court vs. provincial court
- Crown’s Onus – requirement to prove charge beyond a reasonable doubt
- Defenses available
- Helpful case law
For Lawyers and Paralegals
Law Society of Ontario
• Substantive Hours: This program is eligible for up to 2 hours