Immigration Minister ends unrestricted international student intake

Immigration Minister Marc Miller announced the end of the uncapped intake of international students during a visit to Calgary. He emphasized that post-secondary institutions must replace the lost revenue from unenrolled students with provincial investment in education. Miller stressed the need for a quality-oriented system that ensures more diversity and qualified individuals entering Canada. He highlighted the impact of historic immigration volumes on housing, health care, and education infrastructure. The federal government plans to reduce student permits by 35% to alleviate pressure, exempting Masters and PhD students, leading to increased uncertainty among students.

#International_Students, #Education, #Immigration_Policy, #Study_Permits, #Housing_Crisis, #Healthcare, #Diversity

Changes to study permits were discussed in our Development: Programs and Policies course which took place in January 2024. This course included an update to these specific changes recorded in April 2024 by Andrew Carvajal. Learn more about this course:

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