Quebec losing top French-speaking talent to rest of Canada 

In the latest Express Entry draw, it’s evident that highly skilled French speakers worldwide prefer settling in other parts of Canada over Quebec. The federal government’s invitation to 7,000 French-speaking immigrants on February 1 sends a clear message: if Quebec doesn’t welcome them, the rest of Canada will. Ottawa’s commitment to boosting francophone communities clashes with Quebec’s restrictive immigration policies under Premier Francois Legault’s Coalition Avenir Quebec. Despite Quebec comprising 23% of Canada’s population, its planned immigration levels for 2024 only represent about 10% of Ottawa’s economic stream intake. Educated newcomers, unenthusiastic about Legault’s politics and facing processing challenges, are increasingly opting for the more favourable immigration options offered by the rest of Canada.

#Francophone_immigration, #French_speaking_immigrants #Quebec #Francois_Legault

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