March 14, 2024 - 4 hours
Learning the skills to navigate the minefield of issues that come with a RTW and accommodation, including reintegration to a team of employees.
Instructor: Antonio Urdaneta
We might be new to the world of HR, but we have been providing CPD courses to lawyers, paralegals and immigration consultants across Canada for years. We are happy to be now be working with HR professionals.
Our courses are always taught by experts in their fields. We have put together a list of HR instructors that we know will teach you what you need to know.
March 14, 2024 - 4 hours
Learning the skills to navigate the minefield of issues that come with a RTW and accommodation, including reintegration to a team of employees.
Instructor: Antonio Urdaneta
April 16, 2024 - 2 hours
A course on best practices when carrying out performance based reviews and behaviour management.
Instructor: Catalina Policzer
May 23, 2024 - 3 hours
Explore the relevant laws and decisions as they apply to Foreign Workers, including the court's input on work-related human trafficking.
Instructor: Antonio Urdaneta
July 23, 2024 - 1.5 hours
A course on best practices when carrying out recruitment and selection of prospective employees.
Instructor: Catalina Policzer
August 27 and 28, 2024 - 6 hours total
A course for HR professionals to gain a firm understanding of the variety of work permit options available when deciding to recruit foreign labour
Instructor: Andrew Carvajal
Includes all of the 2024 HR courses above.
Learn from a variety of industry experts
Our passes are created so you can take a deep dive into one specific topic or learn a range of topics with the same pass.
Packages are flexible and customized to the needs of the education consultant and their team. Maybe you want more one-on-one time and training? We can do that! Maybe there will be 2, 10 or 30 individuals attending. We can handle that too! We will work with you to cater to your specific requirements.
Course Clip
In this clip from our course Legal Approach to Return-To-Work and Accomodation Programs, lawyer Antonio Urdaneta tells us about the responsibilities of employers and workers in cases of return to work (RTW) situations and what the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act has to say about it.
See more about this course here:
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