Ontario launched support for Ukrainian newcomers

On April 6, 2022, the Government of Ontario launched a suite of supports for Ukrainian families arriving under the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET). Ukrainian nationals will have access to Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) coverage and drug benefits and will be provided emergency housing through settlement service agencies and Ukrainian community organizations. The Government will ensure that Ukrainian children have access to elementary and secondary school.

For newcomers who might need counselling services, the province invested $449,000 in Canadian-Ukrainian community organizations. Ukrainian nationals who have been admitted to Canada on an emergency basis for humanitarian reasons and studying at Ontario’s publicly assisted colleges and universities will receive support through a new provincial $1.9 million Ontario-Ukraine Solidarity Scholarship. For basic living allowances, tuition, transportation, and other critical needs, Ukrainian newcomers will be able to receive the support of up to $28,000 through our province’s Second Career Program.

#Ontario, #Ukraine, #Ukrainian_newcomers, #CUAET, #OHIP

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