Prince Edward Island invited new candidates through the PEI PNP

On July 19, 2024, Prince Edward Island conducted a new invitation round in the Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP). In this draw, the province issued 84 invitations to apply to skilled workers in the healthcare and construction industries, those with Work Permits expiring before the end of 2024 in the manufacturing and professional services sectors, and applicants in the International Graduate stream with Work Permits expiring before the end of 2024. PEI also invited two candidates in the Business Work Permit Entrepreneurs stream. The lowest score for business candidates was 105 points, 25 points more than in the March draw. This year, PEI invited 760 candidates. According to the schedule, the next PEI PNP draw will occur on August 15, 2024.

#Prince_Edward_Island, #PEIPNP, #Business_immigration, #Skilled_workers, #Entrepreneurs, #PNP

We have an East Coast PNP Course coming up on August 20. See more about the course and register:

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