RCIC Courses to Help you Become a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC)

Written by Caitlin Gillis

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Wondering how to become a Regulated Immigration Consultant with RCIC Courses? Read on!

Canada is known as a welcoming country for immigrants. Over the years, the number of newcomers who choose to settle down in Canada has increased significantly. The government has taken steps to ensure that the country remains attractive to new arrivals through initiatives such as the introduction of regulations governing the practice of immigration consultants. These rules aim to prevent unqualified individuals from misleading clients regarding their immigration options.

Immigration laws in Canada are constantly changing. As a licensed immigration professional, you’ll be able to provide services to employers and individuals seeking to come to Canada.

How do I become a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant?

There are several requirements that must be completed to become an Immigration Consultant. These requirements are laid out by the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC) which acts as the regulatory body for all RCICs in Canada.

Those wanting to join the immigration sector as an RCIC will first have to complete a graduate diploma program delivered by one of two universities – Queen’s University in Ontario or Université de Montréal in Quebec.

Following completion of the graduate diploma, education remains a central component of an RCIC’s practice. Within 12 months of graduating from the program, RCICs must complete Practice Management Education courses. More information regarding these courses can be found on the CICC website: https://college-ic.ca/licensee-obligations/ongoing-education-for-rcics/practice-management-education

In addition, RCICs must complete 16 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) annually. These RCIC courses are offered by a number of different providers, including Legal Professionals Education Network (LPEN).

RCICs must also identify competence gaps in their practice through a competency-based assessment process created by the CICC as well as comply with their Code of Professional Conduct.

How long is the Immigration Consultant course?

The program at Queen’s University is three terms long. During the three terms, students complete 9 courses. It is expected that all courses would be completed in under 12 months. The courses are created specifically for an online learning environment.

What is the curriculum of the Graduate Diploma in Immigration and Citizenship Law?

As mentioned above, the Graduate Diploma for Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants at Queen’s University includes 9 courses. These courses have specifically been chosen by the University to align with the essential competencies required of RCICs by the CICC.

  • Foundations of Canadian Immigration Law
  • Ethics and Professional Responsibility
  • Temporary Entry
  • Economic Immigration
  • Family Class Immigration
  • Refugee Protection & Trauma-Informed Client Service
  • Enforcement – Inadmissibility, Detention and Removal
  • Citizenship
  • Immigration Practice Management

What RCIC immigration courses does LPEN have that would help me with my new practice?


LPEN offers a wide variety of RCIC courses for training in immigration law, focused on all types of immigration applications and immigration subspecialties. On our site you can find courses dating back two years. These are kept to ensure that when students or practitioners require a course on a certain topic, they can find it with us.

Our courses are taught by experts in different fields of immigration law. We always search out expert instructors based on the topic and ensure that their courses meet our standards.

We are often contacted by new RCICs and immigration lawyers to ask which courses we would recommend for someone who is starting a Canadian immigration practice. While our courses are well suited for both individuals new to the profession as well as seasoned practitioners, Andrew Carvajal, our Chief Academic Officer, recommends the courses below to get started.

What is the Entry-To-Practice exam like?

In order to become an immigration consultant, a licensing exam must first be completed successfully. This certification exam is given by the CICC and is offered once the immigration consultancy course is completed at one of the universities described above.

The exam entails 140 multiple choice questions which must be answered in a three-hour time limit.

Taking this exam also requires that the applicant pay a $75 application fee as well as a $425 exam fee on their first attempt. Any subsequent attempts require an exam fee of $325.

Check out our courses delivered by immigration experts to find courses on any areas you feel you need additional help in prior to the exam to ensure success. In addition, our partner, Emond Publishing offers a free resource to help you take the exam with confidence. It can be found here: https://emond.ca/Emond/media/Free-Materials/ICCRC-Exam-Preparation-Manual.pdf

After successfully completing the requirements described above, you will be able to apply for employment at immigration consulting firms or law firms across Canada.

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